
In THE TOOLBOX MURDERS, I am the killer’s killer! I loved this part. I was playing such nice goody goody guys and then I got to be bad...very bad!! This movie was 1978’s Drive-in Movie of the year!!!!
I took a bunch of friends to see a matinee at a sleazy, totally empty, Hollywood Blvd. movie house. You know the kind where the floor sticks to your feet! My pals thought they were going to see the happy Disney-esque kid’s movie I had also been working on! They were horrified. There was blood and gore all over the screen. A nude girl was just killed with a nail gun to her head in the shower! I looked down the row at my seven friends and they all had their jackets covering their eyes!!! They were furious with me!!! I laughed until I cried that afternoon.

A creepy horror movie...I get eaten by snakes!!
In JENNIFER, I played the small part of bratty rich boy “Pit” in this Carrie-like film starring the talented Lisa Pelikan. So once again I was a bad boy in another horror film.
At the end of the movie, I get eaten by snakes. During the filming the snake wrangler brought in a huge aquarium filled with 50 or so nonpoisonous snakes. His hands were deformed and gnarled from being bitten so many times. There was a kitten in the movie that is supposed to be killed and I remember the portly wrangler in a chair with the tiny kitten curled up on his protruding stomach; both fast asleep. It was a strange sight.
Later I was “petting” a gopher snake when it coiled and started to strike my face. The wrangler immediately put his hand on my face and the snake bit him!! I was terrified!!
Then they said, “Wesley on set!” I had to immediately go and film the scene where I am covered in snakes and screaming!! I was trembling from the prior incident. It didn’t take any acting to pretend I was scared to death!!
I screamed so loud it scared the snakes and they defecated on me. After they said “cut” I raced to take a shower and wash off the smelly poop!! I got out of the shower and the delighted director said it was so good he wanted to film it again! After seeing that I had washed all of my makeup off and was in a robe, he relented and did not make me get back into the snake pit!!! That was the first time I was glad not to be back in front of a camera...